mmm he likes me :) we went to rockville branch yesterday, and then to a fireside up in vacaville. took his dad's car. he tried taking me to lagoon valley park afterwards, but I didn't have my jacket with me, and it was so windy. too cold. so instead we went for a drive, found a dead end and a pathway, went exploring. in our sunday clothes, me in heels. up a steep hill...discovered a golf course...down the steep hill again, and it honestly was too steep to feel safe climbing down in heels (and too dark to see if I'd be stepping on something very painful if I were barefoot) -- so he kept one hand around my waist and the other holding my hand. awesome. when the evening was over I got another brilliant hug and an adorable comment about the problem with hugging me is that it always ends. mmm he likes me :)
the other wonderful spot in my week: I get to start work at 7am now! an extra hour of sleep!! I think the hour from 6-7 is longer than 5-6. no really. don't ask me to explain, just trust me.
anyway, that's about everything for now; just thought I'd add some updates...the D word has not come up yet ("dating"), but seeing as he's only been home 2 weeks -- I'm fine with that. there is really no hurry huh? and I think this is going fantastically for now. I wake up with a smile on my face, and that's all I need at the moment.
ok, bedtime!
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